Designing In Baltimore: AIA Exhibition




ENV Exhibition at AIA Baltimore: November 16, 2010.

**Download the journal here.**

Design is a recognized part of the solution to some of the pressing problems facing us today. Problems such as global warming and rapidly deteriorating environmental conditions that stem from energy dependency and wasteful consumer habits or social inequity in access to well-designed and healthy urban environments will all need and benefit from greater involvement of designers and design thinking.

Models of design practice are themselves changing. In addition to the traditional mode of design practice of a commissioning client and service-providing designer, other important models of practice are emerging. In these models, the relationship of client and designer are less hierarchical and more participatory in nature. More often than not, the designer identifies and defines the design problem and the design solutions emerge from the labor of a team rather than being authored by a sole designer.

MICA, Baltimore City, and its neighborhoods provide an ideal context for developing a practice of socially engaged projects. MICA has long been committed to community engagement and socially responsible design.

The academic year, 2009–2010, was a watershed in ENV’s practice of socially engaged projects. During this year, ENV collaborated with community groups and institutions, taking on big issues and small ones alike. The Architecture and Product Design students have successfully helped people around Baltimore and the department gained national recognition for its socially conscious design.