ICFF 2010




***MICA ENV receives the ICFF 2010 Editors Award for Best Design School. Read more at MICA, Core77 and Metropolis Magazine***

MICA (Maryland Institute College of Art) presents MICA (Material Inspired Concepts & Artifacts), an exploration of good old materials and how they can be used in the future. Materials that have been around for a long time have been able to evolve and prove themselves to be safe, sustainable, and pleasant to use and work with. Humans have slowly perfected craft techniques for using traditional materials in smart, minimal, and safe ways. It is time for a new generation of designers to dig into the rich history of ancient materials and re-discover jute, bamboo, wool, cotton, terracota, banana leaves, cork and even earth itself. Let's carefully craft our future.

Press inquiries - please contact instructor and designer Inna Alesina for more information and images. Inna can be reached by email at inna@alesinadesign.com